If a blade is remove from a chassis an event of the following format will occur.
<methodVessel cookie="">
<configMoChangeEvent cookie="" inEid="276132176">
<computeBlade dn="sys/chassis-10/blade-6" fltAggr="65536"
operQualifier="removed" operState="removed" presence="missing"
status="modified" />
The operQualifier and operState attributes indicates what occurred while the presence attribute confirms that it is now missing.
If a blade is added to the chassis the first event that tells that will be of this format:
<methodVessel cookie="">
<configMoChangeEvent cookie="" inEid="276132831">
<computeBlade availability="unavailable" checkPoint="shallow-checkpoint"
discovery="in-progress" dn="sys/chassis-10/blade-6" fltAggr="0"
fsmDescr="blade discovery 10/6(FSM:sam:dme:ComputeBladeDiscover)"
fsmPrev="DiscoverBmcPresence" fsmProgr="1"
fsmStageDescr="checking CIMC of server 10/6(FSM-STAGE:sam:dme:ComputeBladeDiscover:BmcPresence)"
fsmStamp="2014-02-10T17:06:12.513" fsmStatus="DiscoverBmcPresence"
fsmTry="1" operQualifier="" operState="discovery" presence="equipped"
status="modified" />
The presence attribute confirms that it is now equipped. From there on it is then possible to query for more information.